
What does Dopamine, Serotonin and Oxytocin do for you?

They are neurotransmitters! These chemical messengers that act in different ways to convey the experience of happiness and pleasure. Dopamine: Supports feelings of reward and motivation. Serotonin: Helps maintain emotions. Oxytocin: The “love” hormone, gives you a rush of pleasure from affection and connection. Dopamine is linked to addiction or negative impulse things because it can motivate you to do a positive or a negative thing so this needs a lot of attention. Serotonin is the happy hormone so this can be linked to dopamine because the thing that you’re getting motivated to do is it bringing you happiness or stress? Oxytocin is more about physical connection and social interactions and that’s hard in this digital world. Giving someone a hug or an honest compliment can actually go a long way!


Nose Vs Mouth Breathing.


Feeling under pressure? find out what your vagus nerve does to help.